Winter Plant Tips
The 2011-2012 Winter season is so far the driest we have had since 1989. So be sure you water your gardens. Since plants are not in their growing season, just keep the soil from drying out. When the rains do begin, don't forget to water your sheltered plants under eaves of the house and dense evergreen tree canopies.
Winter color
Annuals you can plant now if you didn't get a start in Fall are primrose, pansies, cyclamin, and Iceland poppies. Cool weather annuals do best if planted in early fall to get a head start growing but you can still add some winter color. Be sure to water as needed.
Bare Root Plants
Bare root roses, fruit trees, berry brambles and blueberries are available in nurseries. Be sure to double check what you are buying that you don't get a 25'x25' fruit tree for a 10'x10' space! Dwarf varieties of many fruiting trees are available. Also keep in mind that many fruit trees need a companion to be pollinated unless you get a self fruiting variety.
Vegetable Beds
Plant your garlic bulbs, onions and potatoes now for a harvest this summer. Other cool season veggies can be grown until frost. Some may survive frost such as broccoli and carrots. Wait until frost is over in March to plant other warm season vegetables.
I prefer to wait until all danger of frost is done to prune my plants. However, you can prune roses and fruit trees now. Be sure you do this BEFORE growth begins otherwise wait until after bloom. For spring bloomers such as Azaleas, wait until spring bloom is finished to prune. Pruning basics can be found all over the internet and likely at your favorite nursery website. Don't top your trees unless absolutely necessary. It is unnatural and unhealthy for your tree.