Fall Planting Ideas for Color
Fall is a great season to plant new plants and bulbs. Additionally, there are many cool weather edible plants you can insert into veggie beds now. It is also a great time to enjoy the fall blooming shrubs and perennials in your garden. If you are lacking color in your garden now is the time to visit a nursery and see what is blooming or colorful. Keep in mind it's listed dimensions when full grown before you decide to take it home!
Here are some ideas:
For fall color now, you can plant many annuals available at the nurseries. However, consider making room for permanent plants that will give you color each fall and into winter. Sages are a great addition to the garden for that fall color.
This Cream Delight New Zealand Flax has color and texture year round. The annual Coreopsis in front adds a bit of color and the Mystic Spires Sage behind with it's purple towers of color add a seasonal color with some added drama. This sage may go dormant to the ground in areas with frost.
Mexican Bush Sage and Pinneapple Sage are great fall color additions and highly loved by hummingbirds. They will have blooms until heavy winter frost and are evergreen plants. To control size they can be cut back in spring after frost is done.
Black and Blue Sage with Mexican Feather Grass have very interesting textures together. Additionally, when the sage goes dormant to the ground in winter, the grass still fills in the area.
For Spring Color, you can plant many bulbs now for color in early spring until summer. Anemones and Mondo Grass work well in an area where seasonal replanting occur.
Daffodils and Grape Hyacinths bloom in early spring and bring bright color to the end of a gloomy winter. Plant bulbs in an area with ground cover for best affect. Here, the ground cover is soft Lamb's Ear and the Hyacinths are planted along a sidewalk.
For a more monochromatic style, plant bulbs of different shades of one color in groupings. Here there are yellow Irises and a pale yellow Freesia.
A New Zealand Flax in the background makes a good back drop for this grouping. The bulbs are a pale yellow Freesia near the Flax, and the peachy Tulips in the foreground. Other plants include the red Kangaroo Paw and soft Lamb's Ear ground cover. The grassy leaves coming in from the right belong to yellow Irises not yet in bloom for the photo. This warm vignette will be carried over by color in the Flax and bloom from Kangaroo Paw until summer. The Freesia will come up every year once planted, however, Tulips require a high amount of chill we don't get here and rarely come back much less bloom. They are often planted as an 'annual.'
Mirror PLant is a good choice for year round shrubs that add extra interest in winter when nothing else seems to bloom. They are often green with pale variegated colors or dark brown and when winter chill hits they warm up with an overall color change. New growth will be the normal summer variegated color.Coprosma 'Rainbow Surprise'
Coprosma 'Tequillia Sunrise'
Coprosma 'Marble Queen'Variegated plants of New Zealand Flax, Euonymous, Geraniums and many other plant types available in nurseries year round are good additions any time of year to the garden.
Vegetables to plant now are cool weather plants such as: lettuce, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, onions, beets, radishes, potatoes, celery, brussel sprouts, cabbage spinach, peas and some squash.
Vegetable Gardens
You can grow vegetables straight in the ground of your existing flower beds or raised beds and containers. Planting beds raised off the ground gives you a few advantages of not sitting on the ground when planting and maintaining and complete control over the soil composition. Even if you are a beginner and just want to try a tomato for the season you can have home grown ripe produce! Following are some tips to help you have a successful vegetable garden. Just remember, full sun, space to grow, good soil and regular water.
Seeds can grow very fast and add a drip system on a timer and you are good to go!
Vegetable Gardening Notes
Using the existing clay can be a chore but it is do-able. Mix the tilled soil 50/50 with compost and manure mix and remove all the rock. A minimum of 12 inches deep, 18 inches is better especially if planting root or tuber vegetables. You may just want to plant tubers in a pot! The compost helps break up the dense particles of clay type soils.
Compost can be made or purchased and mixed with either chicken manure or bat guano. If purchasing the manure by the bag it should already be ‘aged’ and ready to use. If it is fresh, it will need to be aged by mixing with the compost and sitting for at least a week to cook and leach out the acids that will burn plants. Do not use cattle manure. It is too acidic and may contain many weed seeds. Rabbit manure is fine if aged as well.
Plant placement:
Placement of tall plants such as tomato, corn and pole beans need to be in a North location of the bed in order to not shade other plants. Tomatoes like a lot of heat, so next to a stucco or brick wall will add heat even after the sun sets.
Sprawling plants need support and it helps save space and prevents disease. Tomatoes, Pole beans, peas, cucumbers, squash, and so on. They can grow on an arbor too.
Mix long lived and short lived vegetables. Long lived tomatoes and peppers etc. and for example short are carrots, radishes, and lettuce. Every couple weeks or so add some fresh new seeds of short lived veggies to keep the crop going.
Air circulation helps prevent disease, so plant according to full grown size. Example a baby tomato next to young basil, the tomato will grow too big and overwhelm the basil which will not do well. Although next to carrots which will be harvested before the tomato is too big helps use space efficiently.
Cool vs Warm plants:
Generally the difference between cool and warm growing plants is if you eat the seeds or fruit it needs heat and is warm growing, such as beans and tomatoes, if you eat the plant itself like lettuce it is cool growing. There are a few exceptions such as sweet potatoes need the heat and peas prefer cooler weather. All can be planted in early spring after frost (usually mid March). Early fall for cool plants only.
Raised beds vs. Using the Existing Ground
Sunset Magazine June 2009The existing ground is already there but it may not be ready to use. Usually it contains rocks and at times roots of other plants that may need to be removed. Also if the soil isn’t well draining it will need to be dug up or tilled with compost and manure mix added. If the soil is a loose fluffy well drained soil without rocks, then it is ready to use. The best pH level is between 6.0 and 7.0. Simple do-it-yourself soil test kits are available at home improvement centers and nurseries.
Raised beds cost more up front but are less work if the soil needs a lot of help. Raised beds also give the gardener control of the height and can include a ‘bench’ to sit on the side and work in the bed easier. Raised beds can be used in conjunction with the existing soil to create a vertical design aesthetic. Plants climbing up arbors or tomatoes in cages can also add to the multi-dimensional look of the garden space.
If building raised beds from scratch do NOT use any pressure treated wood. This is made with arsenic or another toxic chemical and is not a good use with edibles.
Any framing lumber will do. Redwood may hold up longer but it isn’t necessary to pay the extra cost. A wood bed can last a decade easily. You could even use composite such as Trex. Making a bed from brick or stone is everlasting but also can not be relocated if needed and more expensive than wood. Deck screws are better than nails. The screws hold better than nails and deck screws are made to be rust resistant. Galvanized nails are also considered rust resistant but it is coated and not always reliable. There are many design options or you can do a simple constuction as mine is at the top of this post. One afternoon it was built, filled with new soil, planted and ready to grow! Note, the stain used to color and seal the wood was NOT applied to the interior of the bed, only exterior.
Sunset Magazine May 2005
Flowers in a Veggie Garden
Adding flowers to a vegetable garden has many benefits. It is visually appealing but also attracts pollinators and beneficial insects. Without the pollinators, many of the vegetables may have small harvests. Also, the flowers seem to be a magnet for harmful insects as well, it is better to sacrifice a nasturtium to the aphids than your vegetables! Some veggies can add color as well, many chard and kale have beautiful colors and peppers come in various shapes and colors as well. Tomatoes can even be yellow and eggplants have that deep purple color. Check my web links for Renee's Garden for interesting and heirloom seeds. Yamagami's Nursery in Cupertino also carries many interesting vegetables ready to plant.
Adding visual interest there are some perennial vegetables to consider, artichoke, asparagus, horseradish and rhubarb. These require a permanent location much like herbs such as sage, rosemary, lavender and thyme. Artichoke may die back midsummer, the space can be covered with annual cosmos which also brings color and pollinators. French Tarragon is not available by seed and is superior for culinary uses than Russian Tarragon. Yamagami's should carry it in spring. Herbs in the garden always attract more pollinators and can be grown with your ornamental plants in the landscape with other water wise plants. Just remember, full sun is just that and plants need at least 6 hours of sun.
Climacteric Fruit:- Continues to ripen after picking such as Apple, apricot, avocado, banana, fig, guava, kiwi, mango, some melon, nectarine, peach, pear, persimmon, pineapple guava, plum, quince and tomato.
Non Climacteric- Don’t ripen further after picking such as Blackberry, blueberry, cherry, citrus, grape, olive, pineapple, pomegranate, raspberry and strawberry.
Espalier possibilities
Apple, apricot, cherry, citrus, currants, fig, grape, peach, nectarine, pear, persimmon, pineapple guava, pomegranate.
Nectarine, grape and peach form fruit on new wood. Prune carefully.
Blueberries are being used more in landscapes and are beautiful shrubs. They need hot afternoon shade and pH levels 4.5-5.5 just like azaleas and Japanese Maples. Use four varieties to lengthen the harvest period and you need at least two for good pollinization. Acidic organic matter can be purchased. Use pine needles or composted oak leaves for top dressing of mulch. Blueberry roots require a wide non-compacted well drained soil. The roots do not grow deep much like roses and need a wider area for growth. Check out my section on Blueberries for specifc plants that do well in mild winter climates such as California.
Poisonous plants to know about:
Oleander leaves and flowers, hyacinths bulbs, daffodil bulbs, castor bean, crocus, lily of the valley leaves and flowers, iris underground stems, foxglove leaves, bleeding heart foliage and roots, wisteria seeds and pods, azaleas all parts, , jasmine berries, yew berries and foliage, black locust tree bark, sprouts and foliage, morning glory, cytisus (or genista /scotch broom), delphinium, flame lily, lantana berries, horse chestnut, columbine, belladonna, oak acorns, passion flower leaves, Ligustrum (Privet) leaves and berries, sweat peas, sumac, Daphne berries, honeysuckle berries, calla leaves.
Also to know: tomato leaves and flowers, potato all green parts including potato if green, rhubarb leaves, Prunus species-cherry, plum, almond, peach- stems and leaves, elderberry roots, asparagus berries,
Poisonous to dogs and cats:
All bulbs, grapes, ferns, asparagus fern, cyclamen, kalanchoe, hydrangea, fox glove, morning glory, onion, tomato plant, dieffenbachia (house plant), heavenly bamboo, holly, oleander, rhododendron, sago palm, yucca, mistletoe, aloe, avocado, Japanese yew, schefflera (house plant), ivy, Easter lilies, lantana, chocolate, raw kidney beans, lima bean, garlic high doses, all lilies – attractive to cats
Euphorbia and poinsettia (euphorbia family) are not particularly toxic but can upset stomach and fluid can cause irritating rash.
So get out and try something simple such as a cherry tomato or bell peppers in a 18" wide pot, your success will inspire you to try more!
Resources: Sunset's Western Garden Book of Edibles, Rosalind Creasy's book Edible Landscaping, and my own personal experience gardening and growing up in the countryside. Check out my book list for great tips and inspiration for gardening and landscaping.