Trees for Fall Color

There is fall color in California.  Here are some trees to look for or plant in your landscape.

Chinese Pistache

Pistacia chinensis

The Chinese Pistache is the ornamental version of the Pistachio Nut tree and is a medium tree with varied fall color from yellow, to orange to red all on one tree.  Trees in rows can even be varied from each other in coloration.  It is one of the most dependable for fall color in mild winter climates.  This tree can grow over 30’ tall and wide and can take a range of water to drought tolerant once established.  The fruit is red and matures to blue black and can be considered a bit messy for pathways or sitting areas.  Otherwise makes a good patio area tree, street tree or elsewhere in the garden.

Maidenhair Tree

Ginkgo biloba

Ginko just transitioning to yellowThe Ginkgo is an ancient prehistoric survivor that thrived worldwide and is now limited as a native to two small areas in China.  The broad fan shaped leaves turn gold in fall and the leaves fall in about 3 weeks.  The Ginkgo can grow to 70’ tall but 35’-50’ is more common.  The width is usually half of the height.  These trees are tolerant of many conditions including pollution, heat, acid or alkaline soil and resistant to oak root fungus. They are not usually bothered with pests or disease.  Young trees require regular water until 20’ tall than cut back to occasional watering.  Be sure to plant male specimens as the fruit on a female is messy and ill smelling.

American Sweet Gum

Liquidambar styraciflua

A native of the eastern U.S. the Sweet Gum can reach 60’ tall.  Lower limbs eventually spread 20’ or more.  Most folks would recognize this tree from its spiky spherical seed pods or prickle balls.  An attractive tree year round, the leaves turn purple, yellow or red in fall.  The seed balls can be a litter problem and it’s best to NOT plant this tree in areas of walkways, cars and mowing.  This tree takes regular water until established then moderate watering.  Three varieties were propagated especially for California for fall color, ‘Palo Alto’, ‘Festival’, and ‘Burgundy.’  There is a columnar variety if you want screening in a tight place called 'Slender Silhouette.' 

Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum

Bloodgood Japanese Maple with Coral Bark Japanese Maple behindThere are a lot of varieties of Japanese maples and favored for their airy and delicate look.  They come in dwarf shrub size to 25’ tall trees. The leaves are generally deeply cut 5-9 lobes with variations in toothed edges.  They have all year interest from sculptural shape, spring green or red leaves, summer leaves in green, red or variations, to fall color of yellow or red.  Bark can be green, coral red, blackish red and eggplant purple.  They thrive best in filtered sun and in the same microclimate and soil as azaleas.  The leaves can become brown on the edges from leafburn or leaf scorch.  Leafburn is too much salt in the soil and needs occasional deep watering to leach the salt out.  Leaf scorch is when the tree isn’t getting enough water in dry weather to accommodate evaportranspiration (water evaporating from the leaves).   The more finely cut the leaf, the more likely these will be an issue. They make beautiful specimen plants and look lovely in groves.   Use by entryways, patios, with ferns and azaleas, in large pots and along pools.  Grafted Japanese Maples are more prone to heat and wind and need more regular watering than seedling varities. Japanese Maple 'Disectum'


Crape Myrtle

Lagerstroemia hybrid

The Crape Myrtle is a popular shrub or small tree.  With beautiful bark characteristics, spring bloom in a wide variety of colors and fall color from golden to brilliant orange and red makes this a plant of year round interest.  The Lagerstroemia indica is powdery mildew prone in the SF Bay area and hybrids are resistant and a better choice for gardens. The hybrids are a cross between the L. indica and L. fauriei which is highly powdery mildew resistant.  A large amount of varieties are available.  Crape Myrtles require full sun and moderate water and can be used street side, around patios and as a specimen in a garden.  Their heights and sizes vary with cultivar just as the floral and fall colors vary. Most just need moderate water once established.  They can grow 8’-25’ tall with width slightly less than or half the height depending.  So be sure you know what you have before buying it.


Blueberries for Warm Winter Climate


Fall Planting Ideas for Color